Welcome to Airtanker.org!

Home of Associated Aerial Firefighters, offering reference material and articles, current events, announcements, and message board.  Check out airtanker videos on YouTube at AAFAirtankerVideosNo need to register to explore our site, but only current members can post; join up at About AAF.

Associated Aerial Firefighters has established an award for leadership, dedication and having a profound effect on safety in Aerial Firefighting. Named for Walt Darran, a pioneer and leader in advancing aerial firefighting, The Walt Darran Award provides a lifetime membership to Associated Aerial Firefighters.

If you have questions, please call Dave Wardall 209-274-9160 or E-mail: [email protected]


Forum, News, Articles

Rebuilding the USFS contract LAT (Large Airtanker) fleet

By Jim Barnes:   The time to rebuild our Nation’s large airtanker fleet is now.  The evidence is in.  Large, destructive and deadly fires are on the increase because of the lack of adequate initial attack response by Federal agencies.  Key … [Continue reading]

Wings Wheels Rotors & Expo

Announcing this year's Wings Wheels Rotors & Expo held at the Los Alamitos Army Airfield (11200 Lexington Dr.  Los Alamitos, CA  90720) on Sunday, October 27th, 2013 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Below is a flyer for the event. For more information … [Continue reading]

Forest Service Deactivates MAFFS (pending Santa Anas, etc)

Forest Service Ends Military Firefighting Aircraft Activation From a U.S. Northern Command News Release BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 5, 2013 – The U.S. Forest Service, through the National Interagency Fire Center here, has decided to end current military … [Continue reading]

California Fire Pilots August newsletter

CFPA Aug 2013 … [Continue reading]

AS I SEE IT: Coulson Aviation’s Tanker 131

  AS I SEE IT:   Coulson Aviation’s  Tanker 131  Tony Morris = TM Wayne Coulson = WC   TM:     Please describe Coulson Aviation’s U.S.F.S. ,Fire and Aviation Management contract. For how many years is the … [Continue reading]

Tribute to an old friend

As a young man Jay Martinak started his flying career as a warrior flying helicopters in Vietnam.  When we met him he was flying helicopters as an aerial firefighter for the California Department of Forestry.  In a very short time Jay rose to the … [Continue reading]

Saskatchewan Aerial Firefighting – An Aussie’s perspective

As Business Development Manager for an aerial firefighting fire suppressant made in Australia I was investigating opportunities to see where our company's product could be integrated into an agency's fire program.  A colleague suggested I make … [Continue reading]

Interview with Major-General Shahar Ayalon IAF

AS I SEE IT  by Tony Morris Interview with Major-General Shahar Ayalon Commissioner, Fire & Rescue, National Authority,  Israel Major-General Shahar Ayalon is the Commissioner for Fire & Rescue, National Authority, Israel. This past April … [Continue reading]

“It wasn’t too bad—“; Smokey Val

We're about half-way through another season---so far, so good . Maybe time to review that ageless bit of sage advice from legandary Air Attack coordinator Smokey Vallesillo. Let's make sure we all get the chance to share a few stories at Reno in … [Continue reading]

A Call To Arms; Aerial Firefighters Working Group. Searching for a few good firefighters.

Aerial FireFighters Working Group AAF is forming a small group of members experienced in aerial firefighting to act as a sounding board for new ideas and challenges, and a pro-active advocate for solutions to new and old problems related to Safety, … [Continue reading]