Welcome to Airtanker.org!

Home of Associated Aerial Firefighters, offering reference material and articles, current events, announcements, and message board.  Check out airtanker videos on YouTube at AAFAirtankerVideosNo need to register to explore our site, but only current members can post; join up at About AAF.

Associated Aerial Firefighters has established an award for leadership, dedication and having a profound effect on safety in Aerial Firefighting. Named for Walt Darran, a pioneer and leader in advancing aerial firefighting, The Walt Darran Award provides a lifetime membership to Associated Aerial Firefighters.

If you have questions, please call Dave Wardall 209-274-9160 or E-mail: [email protected]


Forum, News, Articles

Ramona Control Tower Could Close—AAF Submits Comment to FAA

From Mike Archer's Wildfire News of the Day--- FAA has proposed closing the Air Traffic Control tower at Ramona, California: Ramona Air Traffic Control Tower Could Close | NBC 7 San Diego AAF Chariman Walt Darran responded to the proposed … [Continue reading]

Australian airtanker and helitanker pilot requirements

This information was sent in by David Cant, Business Development for Blaze Tamer 380 (a liquid polymer gel). David will co-host the Tangent-Link convention in Aix-en-Provence, 10-11 April. He is also working on an Australian AAF chapter to host … [Continue reading]

The Value of Aerial Firefighting

A recent article posted on fireaviation.com offered more insight into the world of fire politics, and how our product is presented to the US Forest Service, other government agencies, the public, and ultimately the taxpayer. As consumers, we are … [Continue reading]

Modified BAe 146 to supplement aging RAF C130Ks

Aviation Week & Space Technology reports The U.K. RAF is modifying two ex-TNT Airline BAe 146-200QT to supplement ageing C130K combat transports in Afganistan. BAe 146 modified for RAF combat operations … [Continue reading]

Forest Service Inaction Continues To Delay Airtanker Fleet Modernization

The American Helicopter Services And Aerial Firefighting Association (AHSAFA) is extremely concerned about a shortage of fixed wing slurry bombers for the upcoming fire season and has cited the US Forest Service (USFS) for prolonged lack of action … [Continue reading]

MAFFS availability may be curtailed with sequestration

The Air Force Times reported today that sequestration may seriously curtail C130J availability for aerial wildfire suppression operations: "Because Air Mobility Command would still be required to transport government officials, support troops in … [Continue reading]

The Fed Side

Dean Talley reporting; Fire season 2012 Lounging around Redding brings back memories. The faces I recognize have more wrinkles and the hair is thinner and gray. But that could be the mirror. Compared to the first twenty-eight years flying … [Continue reading]

KEC in OZ with Elvis

Kenny Chapman has come a far bit since pumping gas for Jim Venable at Hemet Vally Flying Service in the late 60's. Here is a good article about Ken and Pete Bradley with Gypsy Lady in Ballarat: US aircrane pilot Kenny helping Ballarat's … [Continue reading]

Seaplaneforum.com dedicates section to Associated Aerial Firefighters

The Rand Corporation report recommended a huge increase in USFS utililization of scooper aircraft.  While that may not happen (in my lifetime, at least), many are of the opinion that the USA is definitely underutilizing scooper/skimmer aerial … [Continue reading]

Airtanker Angst

Aviation Week & Space Technology has presented an excellent summary of The State of The Airtanker Industry  (a Word version of the AW&ST article can be seen at https://airtanker.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Airtanker-Angst.docx). What … [Continue reading]