Aerial Wildfire Accidents 1955-1997; by Chuck Bushey (Currently missing page 16). Chuck Bushey’s synopsis of Aerial Firefighter Fatalities 1955-1957 is without a doubt the best account of that subject to date. The study was done at Chuck’s own expense and on his time. It is now 15 years out of date, in need of “fleshing out” and up-dating. Any additional details that readers can supply in “Comments” would be greatly appreciated. Chuck Bushey is a professional journalist with vast wildland firefighting experience, and would be interested in producimg an up-dated version of this study with the support of a sponsor. Contact Chuck Bushey at:[email protected] or [email protected].
P2V fatalties 1974-2012 by Bill Gabbart
Airtanker fatalities 1991-08 by Walt Darran
S2 accidents 1973-2012, by Walt Darran