Forest Service C-130 program

Forest Service C-130 program cancellation;

Sad to see, BUT very predictable. There are a few people in the USFS that can could step up to plan, organize, direct and implement this huge program. Jim Nester is one.
However, most USFS people and the top management have no idea, understanding, depth of knowledge or imagination to conceive, plan and implement this extensive program.

I will conceded and say CAL FIRE has top management and the entire chain of command supporting aviation professionals that have the education and experience to plan and execute an aviation program and to introduce and implement new model aircraft for aerial firefighting. There are so many facets to safely and efficiently to execute this type of program, achieve a high level of safety, aircraft availability and reasonably control costs. Lots of hard work, ingenuity and planning.

I did not see this at the USFS.


W. David Wardall, Chairman, Board of Directors, AAF

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