Interview with Major-General Shahar Ayalon IAF

AS I SEE IT  by Tony Morris

Interview with Major-General Shahar Ayalon

Commissioner, Fire & Rescue, National Authority,  Israel

Major-General Shahar Ayalon is the Commissioner for Fire & Rescue, National Authority, Israel. This past April General Ayalon spoke about “Lessons Learned from the Mount Carmel Wildfire” the deadliest wildfire in Israel’s history.  The wildfire killed 44 and burned 12,000 acres of the Mount Carmel forest south of Haifa.

The Government of Israel took action to purchase a fleet of Air Tractor AT 802-F Single Engine Air Tankers (SEATS)for the Israel Air Force (IAF). The AT 802F Squadron is named after Elad Riven who perished in the Mount Carmel wildfire.

TM. Tony Morris     GA. Major-General Shahar Ayalon



Have IAF AT-802F pilots had any aerial firefighting training in the U.S.?


No. They were trained in Spain. This week an American pilot will be in Israel for special training.



What are the months of Israel’s wildfire “season” ?


We divide the year to 4 parts:

April-Pre season

May-October- The season

November-Post season

December-March- Off season



Are there annual high winds in Israel such as the Santa Ana winds in Southern California? From what direction do they come?


In Israel we do not have very strong winds even not during the Season.



Sometimes, in April or November we have a short period of strong winds (southwest) up to 40 knots per hour.



In your opinion will the IAF consider the acquisition of one or two Bombardier 415s?





What was the principal reason the AT-802 FIRE BOSS aircraft were not able to operate effectively in Israel?


In Israel we have two water sources: the Mediterranean Sea and the Galilee lake. In the summer, both the Mediterranean and the Lake are high.

Since the potential of open fires is limited, we prefer to use small airfields to refill the airplanes.



How many additional AT-80Fs will the IAF acquire?





Have you met with officials of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management which utilizes a large fleet of Single Engine Air Tankers?


Not with officials, only with representatives of private companies.



Have you met with officials of CAL FIRE ?


No although we would be happy to meet them.


AS I SEE IT – Tony Morris

[email protected]

(310) 455-0798 Office




  1. How many 802’s Israel already operate?

    Do they have Air Attack ships coordinating the Air/Ground efforts?

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